Monday, May 31, 2010

Highway Won Third Anniversary Update

“Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to your name goes all the glory for your unfailing love and faithfulness” (Psalm 115:1, NLT).

Hello and happy almost June from beautiful Cambria, CA! As unbelievable as it is to us, we have almost reached the third anniversary of Highway Won Christian Store. The time has flown so quickly. Much of what has happened since we opened seems like a blur. As Charles Dickens once well penned, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times,” and that truly sums up our experiences since we moved here and began this ministry/store. Through it all God continues to show Himself faithful. He indeed deserves all the glory and praise due His name for it! In this update I wanted to share with you some of the things that have happened over this time about the impact that this store has had in its community and far beyond. I’ll also share what we will be doing to celebrate our entry into our fourth year here.

Since Highway Won opened officially June 14, 2007, we have had customers from at least 30 different countries and 42 states, including many from all over California. We have had many returning customers from various areas as well. We have had almost 13,000 sales and many people who were impacted simply by coming into Highway Won. We have had two official book signings, several special events and sales, giveaways of items, and other fun activities. We have also participated in many community events that drew people into the store or at least made its name known to them. I know of at least one person who was saved as a result of materials purchased in the store, and others who have expressed their own personal growth and strengthening in Christ through them. We have provided study materials, curriculum, communion supplies, and other things to several of the churches in Cambria. We frequently, if not daily, get great compliments from people coming into Highway Won that it is a breath of fresh air, a light in the darkness, a place they can come and find spiritual renewal and strength. We also frequently get some odd reactions from those coming in ranging from scowls to literally running out of the store (and I am not exaggerating on that point), some mockery perhaps, but we rejoice that for at least a brief moment they were exposed to the gospel in the store’s music and materials, and had a reminder of their need of a Savior. We are so thankful for how God has used this little store to His glory!

Anniversary Celebration

We will be officially celebrating our third anniversary Friday and Saturday, June 11-12, as well as Monday June 14, with the following specials:

• Free drawing to win a book or other prize—everyone wins something!
• Take 10% off your total purchase (excluding clearance, greeting cards, postcards, and similar novelty items), or 20% off total purchases of $45.00 or more!

Also, just a reminder: Don’t forget about Father’s Day coming up on Sunday June 20. We have several cards, books, and gift items for dear old dad! We hope we see you here for our anniversary celebration. You can also follow our adventures on Facebook (look under “Thomas Klock”). God bless you and thanks so much for your support and prayers for Highway Won Christian Store over these first of what we pray will be many more years to come!

P.S. We will be closed on Friday June 4th in celebration of our daughter’s graduation from Coast Union High School with family and friends.