Thursday, February 25, 2010

March 2010 Highway Won Update

Happy March!

Spring will be upon us soon! We’ve jumped past January, flown through February rapidly, and almost made it to March. For those of us allergy prone, plenty of pine pollen is being produced all around us when the sun comes out between the rainstorms. But the beauty of what I call the “real California,” California as it should be, shows itself during this time with greenest greens on the hills and, when the sun is out, deepest blues in the skies and the ocean. Even the times of dreary, rainy grays aren’t as tough to endure. Signs of spring’s return abound despite the weather. With it, new hope mixes with the gloom of reality and tells us that we shouldn’t be dragged down by disappointment and depressing circumstances, but rather look to our Maker who is at work behind life’s storms. It is only by His hand of grace that we can withstand the difficult times and trust that there is a good end in store for us.

As my wife and I were doing our annual read-through of the Bible, a passage stood out to us that has become one of those needed anchors in these storm-tossed days: “The people you live among will see how awesome is the work that I, the Lord, will do for you” (Exodus 34:10b). We look to Him to perform that awesome work because it is His work alone that will get us through and be able to proclaim how good He is, and how His mighty hand has brought us safely through the wilderness to the land of promise yet ahead of us. Are you in the midst of a storm right now like we are? Remember, like I tend to forget as did Jesus’ worried disciples, in the midst of a storm He is right there in your boat of life, helping you to make it through the other side. He is in your wilderness as the cloud by day and fire by night just like He was for Israel, so whatever your circumstance, trust that He will do an awesome work in your midst so that you and others around you will see the results and glorify Him. –TK

So What’s New?

We are in the midst of our Lent-to-Easter sale here at Highway Won! All of our books and CDs are on sale for 10% off, and our Bibles are 10-20% off. This time of year should be one of contemplation on all that this season means, so that’s why we are offering this special price on our spiritual resources to help you get the most out of this time of the year. We continue to have other items marked at sale prices, including several t-shirts we are closing out to make room for new shirts for the spring and summer seasons ahead. We are also setting out Easter items this month, and I already have set up a special display of books and materials regarding the spring holidays. We will have Easter cards available for sale on March 1st as well.

Don’t forget that we can order things for you that are not in stock in the store, which happens from time to time since we have only so much storage and display space. We do have a website of sorts that does work, even though unfortunately it isn’t the world’s best: You can order items through the website by typing in what you are looking for, or give us a call or stop by and we’ll be happy to help you. You can also follow the adventures of Highway Won under my personal Facebook page; just look for “Thomas Klock” for information about what God is doing in the store and in our family’s life as well.

May God bless you and enjoy the month ahead, and we hope to see you soon at Highway Won Christian Store!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tom, I love the verse from Exodus! I think it may work in with my blogpost for tomorrow, "Radical Obedience Part X": Powering through the fear." the lord has given me a series based on Ezekiel on faithfully delivering God's message!
