Wednesday, July 28, 2010

August 2010 Highway Won Update

And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." (Matthew 28:18-20 NKJV)

Hello and happy almost August from your friends here at Highway Won Christian Store in beautiful Cambria, CA! We’ve had a cooler summer this year here although elsewhere in California and the USA many are experiencing high heat and humidity. We’ve had a lot of folks coming over here to the coast to cool off, and I hope that you’ll be one of them before the summer is out. Just be prepared that we aren’t getting as much sunshine yet this summer here, but 65-70 degrees beats out 105-110 degrees any day to me! The last couple of days have been sunnier though. We also continue to have visitors in the store from all over the world. So far in 2010 we’ve had people visiting the store from at least 14 different countries and 20 different states, which bring us up to at least 35 different countries and 42 states! It is such a blessing to have an impact in so many lives from all over. God has literally brought a mission field to this area and we seek to share His love and light with those who come in. We aren’t able to go out of the country as missionaries, but are blessed to have even this small part in fulfilling the great commission and assisting others to do so as they return to their homeland. Perhaps you can make a similar impact in even small ways where you are as you remember Jesus’ words to His followers. –TK

So What Else is New?

We have two current specials here at Highway Won that we are excited to share with you. The first is that our July music CD sale is going to be extended until Labor Day! All of our CDs are on sale for 10% off. This includes any that may not be in stock that you order through us. This is a great opportunity to get the latest in great Christian music or some of the older ones from your favorite artists. The second special is being run in conjunction with our friends at Rose Publishing, makers of bestselling and helpful Bible reference pamphlets and materials. Their pamphlets are normally $3.99 each but if you buy three (3) or more we’ll lower the price to approximately $3.33 each (a rate of 3 for $10.00). The authors of these pamphlets try to present unbiased information for comparison sake over important issues, and they are very well done. I’ve heard them compared to a “book in miniature” and they are a real savings over a much larger reference book on the same topic.

We look forward to serving you the rest of the summer here. If you are on Facebook, remember to follow our adventures under “Thomas Klock.” We update our customers frequently their so we don’t overload your email. May God bless you, and come see us soon here in beautiful Cambria!

Also just a note for those of you reading this blog-wise, if there is such a word. I apologize that this has been mostly limited to posting these news updates. Most of my posts appear on facebook, but I plan on changing that soon with more regular encouragement on here. Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. Everything sounds wonderful up there, Thomas!!Blessings to your family, and success to your store!
